Monday, 20 October 2014

How to install magnetic snap Tutorial

 I was asked to demonstrate how I install the magnetic snaps in my cases. Here we are (it's for you Teri!)
This is a pictures of finished case, snap installed, nothing is visible from outside, looks neat.
Felted case with magnetic snap
At first the case is half-felted:

And this is what I am going to install - the 4-part snap. 

Look at the thickness of the felt where I'm going to put the snap.

Magn Snap Tutorial 4 Magn Snap Tutorial 5

Found the position of the part, which is going to the flap. Press it hard so that prongs leave marks.

Magn Snap Tutorial 6 Magn Snap Tutorial 7

Make 2 small slits by sharp scissors or craft knife and push prongs through.

Magn Snap Tutorial 8 Magn Snap Tutorial 9

Place a washer so that prongs are through it and fold them. Press them hard so that they are flat. I use a larger scissors and a ruler as a base.

Magn Snap Tutorial 10

Put a 2-4 layers of very loose weave and thin fabric on the top. I use piece of cotton scrim. It will strengthen the constraction and still let the wool go through

Magn Snap Tutorial 11

Add some wool of matching colour and soap it thoroughly.

Magn Snap Tutorial 12 Magn Snap Tutorial 13

That's how the flap looks inside.

Magn Snap Tutorial 14

Now put together both parts of snap.

Magn Snap Tutorial 15

Fold the flap and press snap hard so that it leaves marks on the body of the case.

Magn Snap Tutorial 16 Magn Snap Tutorial 17a Magn Snap Tutorial 18

Now repeat as above:

- Make 2 small slits by sharp scissors or craft knife and push prongs through.

- Place a washer so that prongs are through it and fold them. Press them hard so that they are flat.

- Put a 2-4 layers of very loose weave and thin fabric on the top.

Magn Snap Tutorial 19Magn Snap Tutorial 20

Add some wool of matching colour and soap it thoroughly. If you are not sure that the new wool sticks to the prefelted base you can needlefelt it a little bit.

Magn Snap Tutorial 

Keep felting your case until it's done.

That's how it looks finished:

Magn Snap Tutorial 26 Magn Snap Tutorial 24

I hope you find it helpful. If there are any questions just ask!

P.S. It's not my idea actually... 


  1. Thank you Galina, this is a very clear tutorial and your photos are an amazing help to understand the process. Thanks again! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ruth! There a lot of tutorials on magn.snap installation but not as a part of felting. I hope it will be useful for felters!

  3. Really good tutorial and a beautiful case.

  4. I had wondered how to do this, thank you for a great tip!

    1. I'm pleased that you find it useful, Karen!

  5. Too bad the photos are not available. It might be because of Apple tablet. The descriptions are clear so I think I can manage. But I prefer to see than to read. Thanks anyway for sharing.

  6. Thank you ... I've been having problems with these ... appreciated
