Saturday, 3 March 2018

Year 2018 Schedule

I'm delighted to be accepted to this year Art in the Pen event in Thirsk. Being not well for a half of February I run out of time to create new pictures and make a proper good application. Fortunately I'm still through!

So this is my list of events for the first half of the year 2018:

April 07-08  Spring into wool    Leeds
April 26-29  Harrogate Flower Show Harrogate
May 3-8       Felting festival Feltrosa   Cavareno, Italy
July 21-22    Art in the Pen ,    Thirsk

July 28         York River Art Market,      York
August 4      York River Art Market,     York

Then I will have my summer holiday with a family and back to work in September. The September-December events are to be confirmed yet.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

I suppose everyone in UK is stuck home with a snow blocked roads... I have two appointments cancelled today. But having felting at hand is very helpful!
Will show two different tea cosies, both with poppy design but colours are varied and it makes all the difference: