Monday, 21 October 2013

Scarf "Lavender Mist"

You might think that I am doing nothing and neglected felting completely! It's not true I am working hard really! At first I set up an Etsy Shop and even got 3 (three!) sales last week!

Now I would like to show one of my latest scarves. I've named it a Lavender Mist because there is such a fine blend of lovely and delicate colours - pink, lilac, lavender and it creates true misty effect. It's not bold but very soft and feminine...

I also add a few silk pieces of silk in the same colours to create some texture.

Pink Lav2 Pink Lav3


  1. Галюся, как красиво!!!!!Такие цветовые переходы потрясающие, да ещё и шелк фактурности придает.Класс!!!!

  2. Люблю поиграть с цветом, особенно в шарфиках! У нас, правда, пока тепло, не до теплых шарфиков...
