It was very exiting if somewhat stressful weekend - fantastic workshop with Japanese felt artist
Leiko Uchi!
Not everything went as planned for me but the main problem was that my camery battery went dead very quickly. That's why I have very few pictures and a lot of experience!
The main piece is this - the scarf I made during the first day. White silk chiffon and 19 mic merino (both from Wollknol).
You can see how delicate it is and how inetersing on both sides. 25 gr of wool only!

Some close-ups to see details:

The other felters have choosen more restful colours and all the pictures of their beautiful scarves were made inside with artificial light. It means darkier pictures, sorry! Some details:

The second day I was making a sample for a different technique and it went wrong for me. The scarf I was working with had happend to be not silk chiffon claimed by label but a blend with some synthetic in it. It was very different to work with and some unexpected results. You learn from your mistakes isn't it?
Anyway atmosphere and venue were great and the teacher was excellent! Thank you very much Leiko, hope to see you again!