Friday, 6 February 2015

Two years of painting

I started my "painting with wool" two years ago, these are my first exercises in Wool watercolour
There is no secret that works of Renata Kraus were my inspiration. But I've never met her or attended her workshops or learned from her books because there weren't any. 
But now she wrote that her book on wool watercolour was nearly finished and would be published very soon! Do I want to buy it? Not that sure... Of course I've learned from the images of Renata's works, but  what I've achieved by now - I've done it on my own and by my own way, endlessly trying new images and new materials.
I am sure that there are numerous useful tips, advices and examples in the book but I'm not sure that I want to go through somebody's else experience...
I'd greatly appreciate any thoughts and opinions on this.  


  1. I think you are right. Keep following your own path with your own lessons that you've learned from experimenting and trying out new things. I think it is important to develop your own style and yes, there are influences from others, but what you've developed is from within you. You have beautiful work and I think you are past needing a book from someone else.

    1. Thank you Ruth! It's so nice to get understanding in this not very straight forward matter!

  2. I agree! Once you have some basics, the best way is just to experiment and explore your own ideas. I love the little house by the way! :)

    1. Thank you Catherine! You are very supportive!

  3. You are right! Just follow yourself. You have your style and your works are beautiful

    1. Thank you very much Renata! I'm so pleased with your opinion of my work! I do appreciate your support!
