Wednesday, 1 June 2016

New Delivery

This scarf was made without a wool layer, just pre-yarn and silk fibre on the top. No good, too many holes and the holes are too large!
I tried to rescue it and added a very thin layer of carded merino on one side. Not the tops but carded one because I thought it would catch better with already felted pre-yarn. Here is a result:

It's more solid now which may be a disadvantage but adding another layer of dyed wool created more interesting play of colours.

 Anyway, I like it better now!

And see what I've got just delivered:

 There is nothing to stop me now!


  1. Wow, I can't wait to see the results from your new stash of pre yarn! Love the greens in the new scarf.

  2. I like the "rescued" scarf better too, it looks like it will be more cosy :) Love the delicious colours of your new yarn, really looking forward to seeing those made up into scarves!

    1. Thank you Teri, I'll post new scarves definitely, it's my new toy at the moment!

  3. Yes, your rescued one is lovely! What a scrummy lot of new yarn.

    1. Thank you Lyn! This new yarn will have to wait for a while, I need to do some other things first...
